Christmas Shoes for Guatemala Project 10 Year Anniversary Invitation


I can not believe it has been 10 years we’ve blessed children and families with new socks and shoes.  Over the years I have lost count of the number of shoes we’ve placed on precious little feet in the name of Jesus.  I’m not sure who receives more of a blessing, the children receiving the shoes and blessing from us, or us placing them on their feet and seeing their smiles!  What a true blessing it has been administering this program.

To help celebrate 10 years of continued growth in this program we are inviting you to get involved.  We need socks and shoes!  Our resources are depleted!  In June we gave out between 250-300 pairs of shoes.  Now we need to restock for our next trip coming up in a few months.  We need socks and shoes for boys and girls all sizes.

If you are local, our collection box is located in the rear parking lot of Waters Edge Community Church in Clarksville, behind Subway.  Please purchase socks and tennis shoes only.  Tennis type shoes work best and last longer.  Place them in our collection box anytime.  Although we collect year round for this project, this time of the year is our main collection time.

If you are distant or would like to simply give to help buy socks and shoes, or to help cover program costs, you can do so on our website or send to His Hands International 1874 Daniels Road Boydton, VA  23917.  All donations are tax-deductible as the law allows.

Priceless Smiles!